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Create smart reminders to build your mindset. Receive quotes and key-messages from many categories & bestselling books. You can also sync your Kindle highlights and upload your own content. You can set the daily frequency of the reminders and their timings. Add any tags and books to your reminders (either from Unstoppable’s Library or your own).

Step-1: Create a reminder (you can create unlimited reminders).
Step-2: Set timings and daily frequency (total number of times in a day you want to receive the reminder).
Step-3: Add any tags, books or your own collection to the reminder.
Step-4: That’s all, you’ll start receiving notifications from the reminders throughout the day in your specified timings.

Note: There might be some existing reminders already in your account which we created for you based on your goals while signing up.

  • Create and customize unlimited reminders. Set timings and daily frequency of your reminders. Receive notifications accordingly.
  • Choose reminders’ content from a combination of many tags and bestselling books.
  • Add your own content and tags.
  • Add text from any physical page of any book (by clicking a picture of it).
  • Sync your Kindle highlights.
  • Goto "My Feed" to scroll through content from your current active reminders.

There are many benefits of Unstoppable, including, but not limited to following:

  • You can finally become what you ACTUALLY want to become.
  • You can change/improve/transform your mindset.
  • Think what you want to think, take more control of your thoughts/mind. Improve the quality of your thoughts.
  • Get inspired to take action in the direction you want.
  • Form good habits you always wanted to.
  • Increase your will power.
  • Implement your learnings in your life. In this information age, the problem is not knowledge, but how to implement it in our modern lifestyle.
  • Make better choices.
  • It will help in better retention of knowledge.
  • Become happier, healthier and successful. Become truly unstoppable!

Tip #1: Use Unstoppable to form good habits.

Our user X wanted to eat dates daily. He went on Google and searched for the benefits of dates. He then put all those benefits under a custom tag and added that tag in his nutrition reminder. Now by receiving 2-3 benefits of eating dates in his day, he is now much more probable to actually form the habit of eating dates daily. Basically, the trick is NOT to remind yourself about WHAT you need to do, but WHY you need to do it, and we absolutely guarantee you'll be more likely to form that habit. You can do the same to form any habit you want to - be it exercising more, sleeping on time, eating healthy or anything else. Unstoppable helps you to focus on YOUR WHY.

Tip #2: Use Unstoppable to stay happier and motivated

You can simply create reminders and add tags related to mental peace, focus, growth, positive thinking and more. With powerful quotes and key messages coming to you several times a day, you're much more likely to stay in your desired mindset of being happier and motivated.

Tip #3: Use Unstoppable to implement your learnings in the modern lifestyle

Let's say you finish reading a book and you liked certain concepts from the book you would like to implement in your life. As you just finished the book, you're quite excited to follow it. Now after a few days or weeks as you're getting busy in your day to day life, you might realise your motivation to follow the key-concepts of the book is fading out. However, if you'll use Unstoppable and choose that book from our library or import your highlights of the books into our app (either through Kindle Sync or clicking pictures), you can then add the relevant content in any of your reminders. You'll realise that now you have a much higher probability to actually implement those learnings in your life.

Bonus Tips

  • Whenever you receive a message from Unstoppable, read it slowly, understand it deeply, internalize it and feel it.
  • Make sure your reminders and their content match with your goals or whatever mindset you want to build. This little conscious effort time-to-time, will go a long way to make you truly unstoppable!

Just like your mind, you can use Unstoppable in endless ways! In today's modern world full of distractions, it's a must have "support tool" for your PRECIOUS mind.

Currently Unstoppable is 100% free as we are in beta. We may soon start a premium plan for Unstoppable, while still keeping the basic plan for free.